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President Lansing Intembe


President Lansing Intembe was elected on 20 November, 2299, following the resignation of Ezekiel Mogunde. He took office on 12 December, 2299, swearing an oath to serve Azania and Humanity to the best of his abilities, and immediately began to set a new course for Azania.

Through a combination of bold initiatives and aggressively proactive international relations, President Intembe hopes to make a brighter future for Azania.

"One single fleeting day of the future of Azania is more important than a thousand days of her past."
President Lansing Intembe
11 November, 2299

President Intembe, the Man

Born in 2255 in the town of Mqanduli in the Eastern Cape Region of Azania, Lansing Intembe early in life showed great promise, entering college three years early. After earning degrees in Business Administration and Theoretical Physics, he began working his way up in the Azanian Tantalum and Mineral Commission, eventually becoming the Chief Director of the ATMC in 2286, a position he held until 2292, when he became a Polity Representative to Parliament.

President Intembe is a member in good standing of the politically-recognized Xhosa Polity of iZangane, and was elected under the banner of the Workers' Party for Progress.

"Some would say I started from humble beginnings, but I have no humility when it comes to speaking of Azania"
President Lansing Intembe
3 November, 2300

President Intembe, the Leader

President Intembe, when Chief Director of the Azanaian Tantalum and Mineral Commission, made significant and lasting gains in relations between prospectors, corporations, and mining workers throughout Azania's holdings. In 2288, President Intembe rose to national prominence when he resolved a lengthy strike called by Zulu workers in the mines of central Azania, winning popular Zulu support in his presidential campaign many years later.

As Polity Representative in Parliament, President Intembe boldly blocked many key issues which he felt were detrimental to the future of Azania, and refused appointment to a vacant full Parliamentary seat after only a year in office as Polity Representative, wishing to remain in the balcony where, he said, he could do more good than he could buried under paperwork in a Johannesburg office.

As details of Ezekiel Mogunde's corruption arose, President Intembe led the charge to a peoples' call for Mogunde's resignation, and, after a period of deep contemplation, agreed to run for office when the Workers' Party for Progress requested his candidacy.

Lansing Intembe has proven, through many years of service to his country, that he can create coalitions where none existed before, that he can defy the so-called facts of long-held suspicion and prejudice in the Azanian political system, and that he can place the interests of Azania ahead of any personal preferences he may have.

"I will...for Azania."
President Lansing Intembe, accepting the nomination for Presidential Candidate
22 October, 2299

The Future

President Intembe presented his plans for the future best in his inaugural speech. here we have reproduced his stirring conclusion, allowing him to speak for himself on the topic of the future.

"Azanians. I say to you that we shall continue our commitment to raising this fertile land to new heights. Destiny is calling us, and it is a destiny which we can serve with our own hands.

"Ours is not the destiny of empire, for we have known the crushing boot of empire in our history, and we have no desire to repeat the ancient mistakes of our European friends.

"Nor, my friends, do we wish to let the Twenty-fourth Century pass us by. Africa is the cradle of humanity, but Africa has left the cradle and has learned to walk to the Stars!

"Now we must learn to run, my friends.

"We have been blessed by Nature and by God with the resources to lead the way for Africa in the depths of outer space. We wish to increase our presence in the new worlds that are open to us, and to strengthen our resolve to secure humanity's place in the heavens.

"We have long practiced a policy of non-aggression in space, and this has served our nation well. We enjoy good relations with all the peoples of Humanity.

"But now the threat of the Amaphela, these aliens from beyond Arcturus, has made us realize that the safety of our citizens living in our colonies and outposts requires greater strength. The safety of our friends and fellow humans living beyond our solar system requires greater strength. The safety of Earth itself requires greater strength.

"Beyond the Stars lies our destiny. Beyond the Stars lies our duty.

"But duty and destiny begin here, at home, and Azania shall stride forward to meet these challenges. My friends, we shall make Azania a land of prosperity and strength. Milk and honey shall not flow from the stones, but they shall flow from our hands and spread out over all of southern Africa.

"Ahead of us we will find greatness, and forward we shall move!"
President Lansing Intembe, inaugural speech
12 December, 2299

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