Header for Azania in 2300ad
Government Geography History Culture Economy Military Colonies

The Government of Azania

The Nation and Region

Azania has been known by her present borders for nearly two centuries now. We also occupy and administer Angola by invitation of her people, providing order in this once-turbulent nation. The nations of Zimbabwe and Botswana share much of our infrastructure and use many Azanian facilities and systems to meet their needs, although they remain sovereign nations under our protection. The world community has referred to this area as the Azanian Protectorate for just over a century.

Political System

Azania is a representative democracy. The government is divided into four main branches:
  • Executive - The President and his or her Cabinet
  • Legislative - Our unicameral Parliament
  • Judicial - The court system
  • Polities - The disparate Polity Councils and their Councilors
The Azanian Political System is quite complex, and is discussed in detail on its own page.

President Lansing Intembe

President Lansing Intembe took office on December 12, 2299, voted in by one of the largest margins in Azanian history. He has set a bold new course for Azania, and promises to take our great nation to new heights and a new position of international and interstellar prominence. A biography of President Lansing Intembe has been provided.

Prime Minister Tanik Verwoerd

Prime Minister Verwoerd has held his office for 17 years. He has made a lasting mark on Azania and the world. A descendant of the Afrikaans-speaking white settlers, he provides a powerful voice for the minority white population of Azania, but he has proven, time and again, that he has the best interests in mind for all Azanians. A biography of Prime Minister Tanik Verwoerd has been provided.


Along with Azania's unusual political system, she has one of the most dynamic and, to an outsider, puzzling political landscapes of any nation in todays world. Political parties can be found which represent ethnicities, races, special interests, geographic regions, economic groups, and ideologies. Some are small and focused, others are large and all-encompassing. We have provided an overview of the Azanian Political landscape for the uninitiated.

International Relations

Azania has enjoyed peaceful and productive international relations for centuries. This is not to imply that Azania does not occupy a dynamic position on the stage of world politics, however. An overview of Azania's International Relations has been provided.

Learn More

Political System
President Intembe
Prime Minister Verwoerd
Political Landscape
International Relations

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